Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Meccan people Essay Example for Free
Meccan people Essay Zoroaster’s miracles are often very similar to Jesus’s, although most of Zoroaster’s miracles focus on healing others, rather than displaying power. He often healed people of blindness, lameness, and other physical conditions suffered by those he encountered. One particular miracle proved to be very significant for Zoroaster’s role as a prophet. When called before a king of a neighboring country, Zoroaster was asked to cure the king’s horse, which had fallen lame. Zoroaster agreed to perform this miracle if the king agreed to convert to Zoroastrianism and provide his army to protect the faith. The king agreed to this provision, as long as Zoroaster was able to assure the king where he would reside spiritually after his demise. According to the Zoroastrianism followers, Zoroaster healed the horse and the king was immediately visited by a group of angels who showed him the true way of Zoroastrianism. The king converted and spent his life protect the faith of Zoroastrianism (Quinn 116-118). Unlike Jesus and Zoroaster, Muhammad never performed any miracles. He instructed his followers that such displays were counterproductive to understanding the true nature of God. He also suggested that the vast majority of miracles performed by numerous other prophets, other than Jesus, were artificial productions (Fatih 156). The three prophets are also said to have had similar instances were each was tempted by the Devil. Zoroaster met Ahriman, or the Devil, while having a vision where he traveled both to heaven and to hell. He was tempted many times to renounce his faith in Ahura Mazda, but Zoroaster resisted this temptation through his prayers to Ahura Mazda (Hambartsumian 34). Jesus was tempted three times by the Devil after having fasted in the desert for forty days. For the first temptation of Jesus, the Devil told him, â€Å"If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread†(NIV, Matt. 4:3). Jesus was also tempted to jump for the roof of the temple, and, finally, to worship the Devil. After each of these temptations, Jesus rebuked the Devil and reaffirmed his commitment to God (Anwar 155). The temptation of Jesus and Zoroaster are well established traditions within the literature of both religions. While there are literary records of Muhammad’s temptation, most Muslims refuse to acknowledge these reports as being true. According to these accounts, known as the Satanic Verses, Muhammad was â€Å"tempted to acknowledge another polytheistic religion in order to convert the Meccan people†(Najmi 12). The account given by the Satanic Verses states that Muhammad succumbed to this temptation and acknowledged the polytheistic deities. The angel Gabriel then appeared to Muhammad and chastised him for giving in to such temptation. Muhammad then recanted his statement and asked for forgiveness. Various reasons have been given to deny this account. Prominently, most Muslims agree these verses were added by unhappy Meccans to discredit the message of Muhammad (Anwar 156-157). Another substantial dissimilarity between these religious figures is their use of the word â€Å"prophet†went describing their own actions. Muhammad was the only figure to actively refer to himself as a prophet. He believed that he was a continuation of a long line of prophets that included Abraham, Moses, and Christ. Even though Muhammad elevated himself to the standing of prophet, he never considered himself divine in any way (Beki 209). Jesus, on the other hand, never considered himself a prophet, but promoted himself as being a combination of divinity and mortal and as being the one true son of God (Eve 44). Zoroaster refused to refer to himself as even a prophet. He claimed that he has a learned man who had been able to achieve some connection with God, and was used, by God, to relay His messages (Quinn 115). While each of these religious figures is held as prophets or deities in their own religion, their ultimate successes and failures seem entirely unrelated to their similar experiences in life. Muhammad successfully united his followers in order to conquer Mecca and convert its people. Jesus was thought to have been crucified by the Roman government, and then resurrected as a fulfillment of Judaic prophecy (Anwar 158). Zoroaster was murder in his old age by a disgruntle member of an opposing religion (Quinn 153). Ultimately, Christianity and Islam, the religions inspired by the lives of Jesus and Muhammad, succeeded in attracting vast masses of people to the teachings of their leaders. The two religions globally dominate as two of the world’s largest organized religion. Zoroaster, on the other hand, has gradually faded throughout history. The religion is currently only practiced by a few devout followers in Iran and Northern India. Although it has seen a slight resurgence in recent years, Zoroastrianism will probably never reach the level of popularity enjoyed by both Islam and Christianity (Choksy 430).. All three religions have many characteristics in common, but these similarities have not been enough to create a similar success for each of these religions. Works Cited: Anwar, Etin. â€Å"Prophetic Models in Islamic and Christian Spirituality. †Islam Christian- Muslim Relations 15. 1 (2004): 142-162. Beki, Niyazi. â€Å"The Concept of Revelation According to the Bible and the Quran. †Journal of Academic Studies 7. 26 (2005): 191-210. Choksy, Jamsheed K. â€Å"Hagiography and Monotheism is History: Doctrinal Encouncters Between Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity. †Islam Christian-Muslim Relations 14. 4 (2003): 407-432.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Idle Minds and Wagging Tongues: Conversation in Anna Karenina :: Essays Papers
Idle Minds and Wagging Tongues: Conversation in Anna Karenina Perhaps one of the most striking scenes in Anna Karenina is that of Kitty and Levin’s silent declarations of love to each other, etched out cryptically in chalk on a card table, with each understanding innately the exact words the other was saying (362). With the relationship between Kitty and Levin serving as Tolstoy’s model for a strong and successful love, it appears odd that such a relationship should be founded on silence, and in such sharp contrast to the chatter of Society surrounding the couple at the party. How then are we to understand the significance of conversation in the novel, if the most sincere relationships and understandings are not founded upon dialogue, but on unspoken knowledge? Entire subplots and themes are conveyed through conversations between the charactersâ€â€the peasant problem and farm management, religion, marriage and faithfulness. Everyone is trying to grasp what a good life is, but the ideas expressed in conversation, however, appe ar quite often to contradict both the inner monologue of the characters and their actions, or fall pathetically short of expressing the power of the feelings of characters. For most of the characters, neither Society banter nor intellectual discourse does justice to their real passions, and even personal exchanges are steeped in insincerity. Unless they find a means to express their passions some other way, they are doomed to a life of dissatisfaction at best, or a tragic end at worst. Within the opening conflict of the novelâ€â€Stiva’s affair with the French governess and his wife’s reaction when learning of itâ€â€Tolstoy first presents this tension between honesty and speech. Before Dolly and Oblonsky’s exchanges, Tolstoy interposes a short confrontation between Oblonsky and his son, Grisha. Oblonsky is â€Å"conscious of not caring as much for the boy as for the girl, but [does] his best to treat them both alike†(7). Although he says, â€Å"Good morning†to Grisha, Oblonsky’s words are insufficient to mask his inner feelings, and his actions betray him through a â€Å"cold smile†(7). Grisha, significantly, does not reply. To reply with some pleasantness would be to pretend that Oblonsky was sincere in his greeting, and Grisha is too naà ¯ve to use speech to do anything but to tell the truth. Short of accusing his father of not loving him, which he is already old enough to understand would be entirely i nappropriate, he can only remain silent.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Every Child Is Special
In this world, children exist with exceptional behaviors. Their behavior is hard to accept for the society. Teachers play a very vital role in making them educated. First of all teacher should be trained to work in the  school where there are children with exceptionalities. Sometimes it becomes very hard for the teacher to react in a right manner when they teach. The students with behavioral issues needs extra of teaching and attention. The small classes would help a lot in teaching them effectively. Also there must be a room for visiting faculty to come and take extra sessions. This not only comes out to be beneficial for children but also is a help to the teachers. There could be a new technique of teaching or handling the students and could be advantageous. The visiting faculty proves out to be change for the students. The good teacher is, who emphasize on child's ability not disability. The disability must be removed but without depressing a child. A child must know about his disabilities, but he must also that he has abilities which are more in number than his disabilities. A teacher must teach with a mentality that every child has some incapacities. Teacher should help a child in bringing up his abilities and should curb the disabilities silently. Expectations should be high, because every child can achieve some position in a society according to his potential, but this needs assistance. Environment of class should be positive and  friendly. This depends on a teacher that how she maintain the environment. Because the positive environment boost the learning capabilities of a child. Also the behavior of a child depends on his surroundings. If a child feels threatened by something then it is obvious that his behavior would  change. Sometimes it become very important for a teacher to know about child's likes and dislikes. Every child has an individual goal, so from time to time teachers should keep themselves updated that how far he has progressed. The grade does not tell everything about what the child has learned so far. The emphasis on grade should be low. Teacher should know what he has learned so far or in which field is he lacking behind. This also boosts up the confidence of a child. The whole learning process makes a child tired. This not only effects their learning abilities but also distracts them. Therefore a teacher should employ proper techniques for relaxing in a class. A child with attention disorder gets mentally tired soon. There should be proper relaxing techniques like listening to soft music or playing games. Playing games not only ease a child but also keeps them healthy. The first thing a child should  learn is to take care of himself. They should be made self dependent. Taking, basic example a child must learn to tie his shoe laces. The dependent child always has a low confidence level. There must be short extra sessions to teach the students, how to take care of themselves, or how to be more organized. There should be also be sessions to prevent behavior issues. Sometimes teacher takes a child as a normal child, she does not lay stress on the behavior problems. But she does not know that the lack of attention by a teacher encourages the problem in a child. But sometimes these session proves out to be futile as students continues to misbehave, then it is necessary to know that they are misbehaving because of these sessions. Because the sessions does not fit to their needs every time, and they wait for someone who can help them in personal. In case of higher education there are many faculties who are taking a single class. The coordination between these faculties is a must so that the students does not get confused between  all the faculties. A teacher has its own style of teaching and if another teacher comes and teaches them in totally different style it becomes hard for the students to know, which one they should follow. Therefore all  the faculties teaching a particular class should know about each other teaching styles, it becomes easy for a student to learn. Teacher should make sure the behavioral improvements and achievements generalize to other situations. They should make sure that what they teach should apply in most of the real world situations. The generalized teachings proves out to be more beneficial to the students, as they come to know the particular thing  that they have learned can apply in the most of the problems. This type of teaching method proves out to be very beneficial because students can learn more things with less stress on their brains. Students should learn to socialize with other students who may or may not be disable like them. The interaction with other students should be started at the beginning of their year. Their should be learning centers that promote social interaction for these children’s. Necessary social skills should be taught in the learning centers. If the school is finding it difficult to start learning centers then skills should be taught in the lunch time or in the free period. Literature Review:- Teaching strategies for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:– Unable to pay attention, hyperactivity, impulsive are the signs of ADHD. There are about three to five percent of the students  in United States who are suffering from ADHD ( American Psychiatric Association, 1994 ). The students suffering from ADHD fail to finish their homework and are careless. Older students with ADHD are less communicative and react spontaneously. The main symptoms are:– 1) Restlessness 2) Unable to concentrate 3) Difficulty in following instructions 4) Losing things 5) Doing little mistakes 6) Great deal of mood swings Teacher should start with evaluating the child's needs and strengths. The assessment should be done on the behavior and academic needs. After evaluating all their needs appropriate practice should be chose. The selected practice should gain the attention of the child and is appropriate to their age. It should be kept in mind that the practice that is selected should be a additional benefit to the students who do not have ADHD. After selecting all the practices they must be wrapped up in a single program. After the conclusion of each  lesson the selected practice should achieve its goal. The lessons must be presented in a different manner. Teacher should prepare the lesson and the activities planned in advance. The review of the previous lessons also proves out to be beneficial for the students. Teacher must identify all the materials needed in the classroom, because sometimes it becomes very difficult for the children to identify the materials on their own. It is very hard for the students with ADHD to change from one topic to another. Therefore revision of the previous lecture is a must. The use of audiovisual materials helps the students a lot. Describe how students can identify and correct their own mistakes. For example, remind students that they should check their calculations in math problems and reiterate how they can check their calculations; remind students of particularly difficult  spelling rules and how students can watch out for easy- to – make errors. If the teacher tries to lower the noise level in the classroom it helps a child in maintaining his focus. Teaching strategies for students with emotional behavioral disorder:- For teaching the students with EBD teacher should encourage the positive learning techniques. The objectives of the lesson should be presented before which helps in predictability. The presentation should be exciting, and if the students performs well he should be given rewards. This helps a lot in dealing with the students with EBD. The vocabulary used in the presentation should be lucid and the feedback should be given immediately. The lessons should be started with the interesting items or questions. It should be kept in mind that if a teacher wants a child to be excited about learning then teacher should be excited about teaching. While taking up the lessons students should know that they are learning and making progress. After completing, the lesson must be revised and the students should be prepared to move to next lesson. The long presentations must be cut into short presentations, so as in case of long assignments. Extra time should be given to students for completing their work. The environment of a class should be healthy. Rules and regulations should be made and teach them to act in accordance with the rules. The environment of a class should be quiet as well active. Adequate materials should be provided  to them so that they do not feel shortage of resources in between the lecture. There should be enough room for the students to move in the classroom without disturbing each other and adequate space must be provided to them for their personal belongings. The classroom rules should be less and positive. They should emphasize more on like what students must do in class. Teacher should communicate with a child in a non threatening manner and should show the personal interest in a child. This makes a child feel good and boost up his confidence level. Proper gestures and body language is very important in communication. The gesture given should be holding  longer than normal. Speaking slowly and clearly are also very important. Proper wait time should be included because some students are slow learners. Managing behavior is very important in dealing with the EBD students. Sometimes it proves out to be very beneficial to ignore the negative behaviors, because sometimes a child behaves negatively in order to grab the attention. Punishment should only be used in a case when the behavior of a child is harmful for other students. There must be a social problem technique, which effectively identifies the problems and provides the best solution for it. Anger management is the main problem with the child suffering from EBD. Anger is natural so it useful to teach anger control techniques rather anger elimination techniques. The first step in anger management is to convince a child that he should change, teaching relaxation techniques helps a lot. Teaching strategies for the students having learning disabilities:- Learning disabilities is a problem in which a child finds difficulty in organizing received information, remembering them, manipulating them. But with the effective learning strategies they can be taught effectively. The common symptoms are difficulty in learning, poor memory, difficulty in remembering facts, confusion among the basic words, spelling and reading errors, impulsive behavior etc.  ·   The course load should be low, because the course load  will make them even more poor learners.  ·  Questions should be asked in a clarifying manner, the language used must be easy to digest.  ·   The key points of the chapter must be told before the beginning of the chapter.  ·   While writing on the board verbalize what is being written, the audio and video effects in teaching boost up the learning capabilities.  ·   The environment of the class must be peaceful so that the students do not feel diverted.  ·   The assignments should be given in oral form as well as in written form.  ·   They should be given more time to complete difficult assignments.  ·   The pace of teaching should be kept in accordance with their learning abilities.  ·   Using plenty of examples in the presentation makes their understanding level high.  ·   Encourage them to borrow the classmate’s notes if required.  ·   Colored apparatus must be used for high visual recognition. Group discussion helps a lot for the students having learning disabilities, for them group discussion is fun as well as is beneficial in learning. Encourage them to ask questions during or after the lecture to make sure that they have understood completely. Teacher must pay individual attention towards every child. Frequent sessions with a  child for proper assessment should be conducted. Using large fonts make their processing fast. Give individual conferences to guide students with learning disabilities to monitor progress and understanding of the assignment and of the course content. Examples of science role models with disabilities should be given to them frequently so that they do not feel depressed. Encourage them to ask for help whenever needed. It would be wrong to assess the potential of a child on the basis of test scores. Every child has its own strength and weaknesses. Summary:- The main aim of teaching is to educate individuals who are active members in the society at it’s various levels. Teachers are very important in our society because we need them to provide our youth with the knowledge and social experiences they will need to improve their  future and the future of the entire planet. While teaching students with exceptionalities teacher should keep in mind that every child is special. Teacher should not run from  their responsibilities, they can change the life of these children’s. Every child likes different environment, so it better for a teacher to try to educate them keeping in mind their likes and dislikes. Teachers can apologies to the government to issue the policies which are in pure favor of these children’s. Like in maximum countries reservations are made for these children. The teachers should motivate the society around them to take care of these children. We should all believe that there are hopes for those children’s and we  can do something for them. These children have their own qualities like others and they can help our society uprising. No one should take it as taken for granted because this can happen to any body, what if  they got suffered with  the  same. The society will surely   turn their face around from those children. But if we all together work for them then changes can be there. Questions: 1) Did you ever felt frustrated in teaching students with exceptionalities? 2) What are the important strategies adopted by you? 3) How you will handle  the disputes between the students? 4) Any special apparatus is required for teaching them? 5) What are the methods you have implemented to provide social exposure? 6) According to you what kind of environment do you think is best suited for them? References Adelizzi, Jane U.  &  Goss, Diane B.,  (2001), Parenting  children with  learning disabilities, Greenwood Publishing  Group, ISBN: 0897897722 Dockrell, Julie, & McShane, John (1993), Children's learning difficulties: A cognitive  approach, Blackwell Publishing, ISBN: 0631170170
Saturday, January 4, 2020
For My Rhetorical Paper, I Decide To Select Senator John
For my rhetorical paper, I decide to select Senator John F. Kennedy as my candidate, because I felt that John. F Kennedy was very effective and confident in answering the questions. I felt that John F. Kennedy’s overall target audience are those who believes in freedom and supports the Democratic party. Also, individuals who agree that the Congress should give medical aid to the aged, a comprehensive minimum hourly wage bill, and federal aid to education. I feel that the purpose and goal that John F. Kennedy wanted to achieve is to make America strong by promoting freedom, good leadership, and getting other countries to view America as a strong country like China and Khrushchev as Kennedy stated â€Å"I want people in Latin America and Africa†¦show more content†¦When John F. Kennedy states â€Å"Mr. Nixon is an effective leader of his party.†Ethos is being used because John F. Kennedy is stating his opinion on how Vice President Nixon is a great leader to b e nominated by the Republican party. John F. Kennedy also uses pathos when answering this question. When Kennedy states â€Å"I hope, he would grant me the same.†I felt Kennedy used pathos well, because he hopes that Vice President Nixon views him as a great leader too. I felt that Vice president Nixon used ethos very well, when he answered the question about teacher salary. Even though I found Vice Presidents Nixon answer ineffective. I felt that Nixon used ethos when he used John F. Kennedy’s views on raising teachers’ salaries instead of answering the question with his own opinion Nixon states â€Å"There is another point that should be made. I favor higher salaries for teachers. But, as Senator Kennedy said in January of this year in this same press conference, the way that you get higher salaries for teachers is to support school construction, which means that all the local school districts in the various states then have money, which is freed to raise t he standards for teachers salaries.†I felt that Nixon answer was ineffective, because he uses Kennedy’s views on raising teacher salary instead of his own. Nixon then moves into logos when he mentions how the teacher salary increases â€Å"Teachers salaries very fortunatelyShow MoreRelatedEssay Writing9260 Words  | 38 Pagesparts: PART I: Types of Essays PART II: Developing a Thesis from a Topic PART III: Introductions PART IV: The Body Paragraphs PART V: The Rebuttal PART VI: The Conclusion PART VII: Writing an Exam Essay PART VIII: Stylistic Considerations PART IX: Sentence and Paragraph Structure PART X: Sample Essays PART XI: Using Quotations PART XII: Sample Essay Template PART I: Types of Essays TheRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesCollege; and Stephanie Tucker, California State University Sacramento. Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wife Hellan whose good advice has improved the book in many ways. vi Table of Contents Preface.............................................................Read MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pages) 1. Motion picturesâ€â€Semiotics. 2. Motion pictures Philosophy. I. Title. PN1995.M4513 1991 791.43 014â€â€dc20 90-46965 C1P The French edition of Christian Metz s Essais sur la signification au cinema, volume 1, was published by Editions Klincksieck in 1971,  © Editions Klincksieck, 1968. ÃŽËœThe paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. To George BlinRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work
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